Sunday, December 14, 2008

New York Day 1

Yesterday was the last day of Allentown, Pennsylvania for the year. Got up.. went back to sleep. Got up again.. went back to sleep. Eventually got up, said good-bye to my dear Robyn (pronounced: Wobyn) and with Kaitlin's (roomie) help got everything to the storage unit on time. ALMOST didn't make the bus, but the guy was very sweet and waited for me to get my ticket too. I don't think anyone else on the bus was particularly pleased with me, but at least I got on and made it to NYC in time for dinner.

Family friends came over, watched the guy's black belt test (he broke four boards on his first try-- he was the only one to make it), ate Thai food from this delicious place called Land around 82nd and 2nd, and played TRIVIA PURSUIT!

Today, woke up, made Lee crepes. He loves his crepes, and Sheryl has a really nice pan perfect for making the thinnest crepes you can get. Watched him play basketball at Ramaz, then while they were going shopping and another basketball session at the Y, I went to Barnes and Nobles and got distracted.... as always.... but come on!! If there's one distraction in my life, is it that bad if it's a bookstore? At least I'm learning something...

Basketball and ultimate frisbee have got a lot in come in terms of offensive strategy.

Volunteered with Dorot (means Generation in Hebrew), a program that delivers food to the elderly who can't necessarily go out and about, or who might not have that much money available, or even who would sincerely appreciate the company. Ours was the third sort, and she was very sweet. Watches TV the majority of the time, gets around outside on her electric scooter when she needs to.

Now we're back at the apartment. This is day one of my departure from Muhlenberg.

I think everyone from Colorado decided to up-and-move to Israel next semester. Gotta love it.

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