Thursday, January 8, 2009

So in case you haven't been following....

I have been posting all these "Day 1" "Day 6" things on one day... today... because I have internet access PLUS I remember to do it... all the notes besides this one were written over the past two weeks, starting on the 28th when I flew to Israel!

Currently I am located in Or Yehuda-- I took the 21 bus from the CY to the Jerusalem central bus station, that one to Tel Aviv central bus station, made a friend, tried to call using the pay phones (it's fucking impossible) and met up with Dani. Yay! Finished Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (so sad) and now are watching stupid Amanda Bynes and her addicting girly self.

Signing off.
Breaking news.
I have discovered the meaning of P.S. It means Post Script.
P.S. I have now edited the previous entries from my Kakal-JNF trip to be in a somewhat more reasonable order. Thank you, thank you very much.


  1. Whyyyyy are you angryyyyyy? Besides that I have found intellectual paradise and you have yet to be embursed.

    Deerector and I were talking yesterday about how amazing Israel is--so many intellectuals who come to Israel to live, relax, and enjoy good conversation in beautiful places. I really think I will be happy here.
