Monday, January 12, 2009

איפה למורייייייי

"Afo lamorie???????????????????????"
If I haven't learned what the lamorie is by now, I must be an idiot. What I don't know is how to spell it... It is literally all I hear out of my little cousin's mouth (there are pictures of her in my latest fb album, btw). She is adorable as any child; did I mention we spent this morning watching kids shows in Hebrew together? She knows the words "good" and "English", so it is good practice for me.
Additionally, all I've done is Ashdod is eat and sleep and play rummy.
I now have the hiccups. Make them go away.
Don't know if this qualifies as Monday night because it's 12:30 in the morning. I'm at Ofer's now. Yay! All safe and sound, no worries. I sat at the mall in the coffee shop and read my book-- a guy called me darling, and another said "pardon". It was cute. Oh, and I bought sheets and towels at SuperSal. Funfun.

1 comment:

  1. *hiccup*

    Guys here call everyone "love." Remind me to start doing this when I come home, in spite of the fact that I'm not male, and I'm not British. I've always wanted to call everyone "love" or "darling" and now I will have an excuse ("I studied abroad....").

    Speaking of cute...saw some girls who work at the day care center pushing around 3 strollers each holding 3 bouncing kicking little babies...SO CUTE!
